Family Volunteers

Parent Volunteers

As parents, YOU can do so much to assist us in achieving our mission. To support, Parent Volunteers play a vital role in the daily operations that help educate our students. Here are some ways Parent Volunteers have helped to support our school:

  • Participate in PBATs and Roundtables as an evaluator
  • Participate in career development activities that engage students in exploring their passions
  • Provide cultural awareness through participation in cultural events and celebrations
  • Research and organize community service projects
  • Coordinate a school fundraiser
  • Join a parent association committee
  • Plan a school event, like a play, dance, or parent night
  • Chaperone school field trips
  • Recruit other parents to help participate in school community events
  • Make copies, type and proofread classroom materials, put together a mailing

To get involved email our Parent Coordinator, Brittney Wilson at or text/call her at 747-777-2118