Restorative Justice

Bronx Lab is a “Circle School”

What is CIRCLE Practice?
CIRCLE is a restorative practice.
We sit in CIRCLE,
We use a Talking Piece
Our focal point is a centerpiece
We speak from the heart when holding the Talking Piece
We listen from the heart when someone else is holding the talking piece

CIRCLE practice provides a framework for developing a caring school community in which students and adults are accountable to one another.
They ensure a safe environment for students to develop relationships in which mistakes can be made and any harm can be repaired. All Advisories meet in CIRCLE and use CIRCLE practice to build community, learn lessons and repair harm.

CIRCLE practice is used by our Office of Student Services, Peer Mediators, and PGC Student leaders to teach, learn, listen, be heard and offer empathy and accountability.

CIRCLE practice is:
Caring: We can separate bad behavior form the person.
Just: We can be equal and listen and speak from the heart
Restorative: We can repair harm with dignity and respect

CIRCLE Practice Will Promote



Positive school climate and culture